Gardens are more than a decoration to a home; they represent a natural environment and are essential to the planet. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and releasing oxygen. The plants’ roots stabilise the soil, filter water, and supply nutrients to the plant. Gardens usually comprise shrubs, trees, and perennial and annual plants. The ideal garden has different blooms in the spring, summer, fall, and winter.
Chemical fertilizers are short time solutions to the long-term problem of managing your garden and the plants over the year. ECOAID Regenerative Organic Fertilizer bio-pellets and ECOAID biochar soil enhancers feed the plant through their root system year-round. Synthetic chemical fertilizers dissipate in the garden within months. ECOAID organic Bio-pellets can last in the soil for up to two years and feed the plant up to 10 nutrients required by the plant to remain healthy. The pellets are consumed by the soil microbes, which supply the nutrients to the plant year-round.
Biochar in ECOAID’S REGENTTIVE ORGANIC FERTILIZER creates a home for the microbes to live and, through its pores, can reduce the amount of water evaporation in dry climates. Studies have found that biochar can reduce the amount of CO2 released from the soil by up to 23% and helps to reclaim degraded soils. Adding a layer of activated charcoal to the bottom of your plant pot, underneath the soil, can help your plant’s health. The substance rids the soil of impurities (which is why it’s sometimes a great health and beauty ingredient), repels insects, and prevents mould and odours.

Indoor plant insects can be just as challenging to rid of as outdoor insects. Inside your home is the ideal environment to propagate. Insects that your see mostly are:
- Scales are soft-bodied insects that suck plant sap.
- Mealybugs are like scales; they are sapsuckers, have a waxy coating, and make dew.
- Spider Mites. Spider mites are so tiny that you may not even see them.
- Fungus Gnats.
ECOAID Biocide is is a diluted solution made of natural organic chemicals that rid the infestation by affecting the nerve or respiratory systems. The solution is not harmful to plants, pets, or humans. ECOAID Biocide has ingredients that inhibit the return of unwanted visitors.

ECOAID outdoor garden Biocide is a concentration of natural organic chemicals that affects the insect’s repertory and nerve system. The active ingredients are neem oil, sodium, lemon eucalyptus, and Bamboo vinegar. Neem oils come from the neem seed found on trees throughout the Caribbean.
Organic neem oil is a natural pesticide for indoor plants and is very effective in controlling and eliminating common houseplant pests. It also has a residual effect, so you don’t have to treat the plant daily like other methods. Bamboo vinegar is created during the carbonization of Bamboo at a temperature of 550c. It is composed of acetic acid with over 200 organic constituents. It has a pH of 2.5 to 2.8, equivalent to white vinegar.
Outdoor gardens are natural attractions to mosquitos, ticks, flies, and other biting insects. ECOAID BIOCIDE repels this insect from being attracted to your yard.