ECOAID Activated charcoal is a pervasive component in air purifier filters. It can eliminate a wide range of pollutants in the indoor air of a house, apartment, or office. Even higher-end ventilation systems are rarely enough to eliminate allergens from indoor air.
Activated carbon filters can be used in conjunction with HEPA filters to trap known allergens and impurities like:
They are designed to filter gases through a bed of activated bamboo carbon (also called activated bamboo charcoal). They are usually used to combat volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from everyday household products. They are also often used to remove odours from the air, such as the smell of tobacco smoke.
The large pore surface attracts odours and air-born particles to the surface of the charcoal dust.
- Lint.
- Mould spores.
- Smoke.
- Pet hair.
- Common household chemicals.

Bamboo charcoal itself is odourless and can absorb both odours and moisture. As a result, it’s also good for maintaining humidity in the air and preventing mould in small damp spaces around the house.
Activated bamboo charcoal has a large surface area to absorb impurities. It is often used as an affordable air purifier solution.
It removes moisture from the air and absorbs odour, smell,and even small particles like dust, dust mite, and pollen.